Today, children are forced to go to school. In many countries, school students do not even get a chance to choose what they want to learn.
This results in a lack of motivation. School is no longer about learning, but about getting “worn down”.
Learning should arise from personal motivation. Each child should be free to determine what it wants to learn. Children’s different interests and inclinations are as diverse as people themselves. People should study what they are best at and most interested in – this is how we will get the best specialists.
School should be for students, not against them.
In return, students should give something back to the school: money. In other words, students should pay for what they learn.
It should not be forbidden for them to have a job while they are at school.
Students should not be assessed as “good” or “bad”. People are not better or worse. They are different.
Assessment could be in the form of voluntary tests (like language certificates) or projects and assignments which students can present when they have job interviews.
We do not have a world police force, even if the UN is working to that end. Should the deployment of peace keepers not be subject to UN law rather than on the consent of the member States? And for example the International Criminal Court apply this law?
The army and military funding should be voluntary.